Gerhard Berz, Honorary Professor, University of Munich
Catastrophes and Climate Change: Causes, Costs and Counter-Measures (Re-)Insurance Perspectives
Rasmus Benestad, Climate researcher, Norwegian meteorological institute
Climate variability and extremes
Ola Haug, Research scientist, Norwegian computing center
Applying climate scenarios for prediction of future premiums
Joerg Heumader, Director (ret.), Lecturer, Federal Service for Torrent and Avalanche Control, Tyrol, University for Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna
Disaster prevention by hazard zoning in Austria
Silvio Funtowicz, Member of Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen (IPSC), European Commission - Joint Research Centre
Models of Science amd Policy: From expert demonstration to participatory dialogue
Jan Sendzimir, Senior Researcher, Risk and Vulnerability Program IIASA, Austria
Participatory Science for Adaptive Management of the Tisza River in Hungary Relevant paper.
Cecilie Flyen Øyen, Senior researcher, SINTEF Building and Infrastructure, Departement of Buildings/Environment and Building process group.
Building techniques under review
Torbjörn Olsson, Business analyst, Länsförsäkringar, Sweden
Conclusions from the Swedish Report on Climate and Vulnerability
Knut Nordskog, Director, Natural Hazards Pool, Norway
Natural Catastrophe Risk Management Policy in Norway
Hans von Storch, Professor, Meterological Institute, University of Hamburg
Changes in storm occurence over Northern-Central Europe
Mike Cooper, Head of business solutions, ESRI, UK
Geographic Thinking for Insurers managing risk, exposure and capital allocation
Jos van Alphen, Senior Adviser, Rijkswaterstaat, Centre for watermanagement, The Netherlands
Flood Risk Mapping in Europe: Experiences and Best Practices
Andrew Voysey, Secretary, ClimateWise
How is ClimateWise changing the relationship between insurers and the public?
Swenja Surminski, Policy Adviser Climate Change, Association of British Insurers (ABI)
Flooding, planning and beyond: A UK perspective on climate change and insurance
Elisabeth Meze-Hausken, Climate Researcher, Gjensidige, Norway
Human Perceptions of Climate (Change)
Leonard Smith, Professor and Director of CATS, London School of Economics
Communicating Uncertainties for Those Insuring Future Climate Change
Tor Traasdahl, Chief of communication, WWF, Norway
Tomas Ljungqvist, Managing Director, Guy Carpenter, Sweden
A risk management perspective. What type and what size of coverage?
Silvio Tschudi, Vice President, Property & Specialty Swiss Re Germany AG
Global Warming. A Changing Risk Landscape
Fiona Shaw, Willis, UK
The potential for increases in damage due to more thunderstorms and lightning