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The conference is part of the Marie Curie Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) programme Climate Change and the insurance industry (CCII), and is hosted by Gjensidige Forsikring, the Norwegian Computing Center (NR) and the centre (sfi)² Statistics for Innovation.. The CCII is a partnership between NR, (sfi)², Gjensidige Forsikring, London School of Economics' Centre for the Analysis of Time Series (CATS) and the insurance syndicate Lloyd's of London

Gjensidige forsikring

Gjensidige Forsikring is one of Norway's largest non-life insurance company, with a market share of 31,2 percent and 1.5 million policyholders. As a mutual company, Gjensidige is owned by their policyholders. The roots of Gjensidige can be traced back to 1689, when a local fire insurance company was founded at Nes in Akershus County by a clergyman.

Gjensidige Forsikring's decentralised organisation has been the company's hallmark for decades, and will be further developed. At the same time, Gjensidige intend to offer customers the best solutions in the market for buying insurances and settling claims on Internet.

The Norwegian Computing Center

The Norwegian Computing Center (NR) is a private, independent, non-profit foundation established in 1952. NR carries out contract research and development projects in the areas of information and communication technology and applied statistical modeling.

The statistical department (SAMBA) has comprehensive theoretical and practical knowledge in the fields of statistics, image analysis and patteren recognition. The department is one of Europe's largest and most competent groups within applied statistics and statistical-matematical modelling. A broad spectrum of methods are covered and the department is a world leader in some of these areas. The clients are a broad range of industrial, commercial and public service organizations in the national as well as the international market.

NR is the proud host of Statistics for Innovation, one of the 14 Norwegian Centers for Research-based Innovation, with the aim to enhance the capability of the Norwegian economy to innovate by focusing on long-term research, forging alliances between research-intensive enterprises and prominent research groups.